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Puppies born Oct. 18, 2023      7 females 3 males

HRCH Huntmaster Harris' Ruby X HRCH Big N Chocolate Factory JH

This is a much-anticipated litter.  Highly driven parents that are both exceptional hunting dogs.  These pups will be suited to campaign in any venue.  The cost of a puppy from Ruby x Willy is $1,000.  $250 deposit (nonrefundable) to reserve a puppy.  Pups will be ready for their new homes at 7-8 weeks old but we will hold until Christmas if needed. 
Updated pictures can be found on our Facebook page "Harris Hunting Retrievers".





HRCH Big N Chocolate Factory JH "Willy"


Willie is a solid 75 pounds with an exceptional pedigree. Many FC, AFC, GMPR and GHRCH

titles fill his pedigree.  Willy is quiet on the line and has explosive drive when it's time for him to

work.  He is the perfect duck dog in the blind. Willy also participates in hunt tests and is working

towards his MH title.  He is proudly owned and trained by Three Rivers Hunting Retriever

Club President, Larry Nass. 


DOB: 5/4/2018, AKC Reg: SS05072710

OFA Hips: Excellent, OFA Elbow: Normal, Eye CERF/CAER: Clear, CNM: Clear, EIC: Clear





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